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Bonus Claimed


Winbox Rescue Bonus for iphone iOS
Winbox Rescue Bonus for Android APK
Rescue bonus to grab up to RM50000

Why I cannot claim Rescue Bonus ?

1. You are not a Winbox member under Referral: WI888OX

Sign up at Winbox Register

2. After playing games, you didn’t WhatsApp our customer service. 


I. Winbox account must registered on this website (referrer: WI888OX)
II. The betting amount of each game will be counted after next day 5:00 pm.

III. The winner must accept our friend request after
Winbox Login.

IV. Players can claim one rescue bonus per day.

V. You can claim the bonus from highest turn over game only. Example: If you play BG 5K TURN/918KISS 10K TURN today, you can only receive 918KISS 10K TURN.

VI. Turn over screenshot is required while claim bonus.

Rescue bonus table for limited games-1
Rescue bonus-02 (1).png

Please pay attention in your friend request approval in Winbox.

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